Homeopathy of Tomorrow

Dr M A Usmani


University of the Punjab
D.H.M.S : Pakistan

  • Dr USMANI is a Classical Homeopath, with a shifted emphasis from ‘mental’ to ‘physical’, from psychological to pathological. This would be a breakthrough system of therapeutic that would be solidly based on pathology.
  • WITH THIS outlook, he aims at preparing a comprehensive Database of Homeopathic Medicines with their proven pathologic scope.
  • For every pathologic ailment this Database could be consulted; and from the list of the relevant medicines, one can chose that medicine that matches the temperament and personality of the patient, with distinguishing modalities.
  • Thus the physician—the prescriber—will be liberated from the torture of untangling the real mental symptoms from the labyrinth of psychological puzzle. This is the only proviso on which a vigorous therapeutics of Homeopathy can be based.
  • MIASMATICO-NOSODIC PRESCRIPTION should be the routine initiating prescription for starting a chronic case. It will act as a constitutional ‘clean sweep’. The use of such remedies transcends the law of similars, and acts on the basis of anamnesis. Many times the first prescription, repeated thrice or four times in months or a year, singly, completes the cure of a long intricate case.

This book that was launched simultaneously in Gymkhana Lahore and on Youtube, by Debby Bruck, the founder of Homeopathic web site: homeopathy world community, in New York, America, is written by a homeopathic wizard and visionary who has about half a century’s principled practice to his credit. It is a collection of his consistent writings that have been published on the internet for almost six years. These articles have been read and critically valued by the world community of homeopaths.
The basic theme of this book is to make people realize that homeopathy is a science. And that science is not scripture. The science changes and advances while scriptures remain fixed. What does not change is never a science. A quote from the book says:  “Revelation belongs to science. Progress of science is a revealing journey about the secrets of the universe … There are no inroads or intrusion from beliefs and faiths. The facts of science are not permanent. They are always in flux. Today’s facts may be tomorrow’s falsehoods. Affirmations and denials are the milestones along the path of science. What is affirmed is affirmed on the basis of proofs, and what is denied is denied on the basis of proofs. What cannot be proved can never become knowledge. What were sacred secrets yesterday are today’s banal truths.”
For homeopathy to remain on the horizon of medico-therapeutic world as science, the homeopaths must shed their dogmatic attitude of worship and fixity, and never let the spirit of enquiry dwindle or die. Truth is truth and never be disdained. The challenging document that this book is, will prove to be a futuristic and visionary for the tapestry of episodes that are being unfolded at present, at daily basis.