Book Contents Contents 1 Introduction 2 Homeopathy: Not a Theology Nor a Dogma 3 Without Pathology there is no Therapeutics 4 Status of Mind Symptoms – Can Therapeutics be based solely on Mental Symptoms? 5 Fine – Tuning Symptoms 6 Fidelity Vs Loyalty in Therapeutics 7 Homeopathy works anyway: Cure Vs Palliation, Ideal Vs Practice. 9 Cure Mania: Is Palliation that Bad? 10 Can anything override the principles of Symptoms Totality in Homeotherapeutics 11 Curable Vs Treatable 12 Allopathy Facts, Homeopathy Facts & The Real Facts 13 Practice of Medicine 14 Chronic Miasms are Proven Facts 15 Rock Solid Facts About Homeopathy 16 Tertiary Action of the Drugs 17 Theory & Practice: Every case is not for prescription 18 The concept of medicine: What is homeopathic remedy? 19 HOMEOPATHY WORKS ANYWAY CURE VS PALLIATION IDEAL VS PRACTICE 20 Pitfalls in Homeotherapeutics 21 Gray Areas in Homeotherapeutics 22 Sulphur Personality: A psychological study 23 Use of carcinosin in paediatric practice 24 Vision of a Physician: How not to prescribe 25 Vision of a Physician: Constipation not a disease 26 Vision of a Physician: How not to contract Flu & upper respiratory tract infection 27 Vision of a Physician – Series: Sex Brings Longevity 28 Vision of a Physician – Series: Look Younger – Live Longer 29 Vision of a Physician – Series: Health without Medicines 30 Herbs - Bane or Boon 31 Congestive heart failure: Allopathy Vs Homeopathy, calling a spade a spade 32 Remedy for Toothache: Extraction 33 BURNETT: The first Non-Conformist Homeopath 34 BURNETT: A Prodigy of a Genius (Rightful place of Pathology in Homeotherapeutics 35 Geriatrics 36 Disease, infirmity & SEX (Rumination on Gerontology 37 Don’t seek Perfectionism after Sixties 38 Is Fetishism Curable 39 Lesson in Therapeutics: Repetition of Doses 40 What’s Pathologic & What’s Norma 41 Perennial Problem of Potency – Selection in Homeopathic Prescribing 42 Homeopathy: A Curative Whiff 43 Cured Cases of Miasms – Exhort One to make a scientific enquiry 44 Homeopathy doesn’t need certification 45 Homeopathic Sociology or Socio Therapeutics 46 Great Books that are seldom consulted 47 Homeopathy Freaks 48 Homeopathy Cheats Palliation Yes Yes No No 49 What’s a Symptom? 50 Sialotherapy 51 License to Shoot 52 Sensitivity Problem 53 Worship & Venerate the fever 54 The Dengue Factors 55 Facts about Abdominal Obesity 56 How Homeopathy trivializes Grave Situations 57 Homeopathic Compunction 58 Dos vs. Windows: Pedantic vs. User-friendly: BOENNINGHAUSEN’s vs. KENT’s Repertory 59 Gaspass Doctors