Dr. M. A. Usmani
Yea, going to be buried by the benevolent hands of its benefactors, by the illustrious sons of the ‘Babays’: babays (i.e. the Fathers) of homeopathy–that they are called in “Indo-Pak. Already, for long, it was difficult to find less used medicines in the homeopathic market. For example, it was easy to get Mer.Sol., while its other salts, e.g. Merc Iodatum Flavum and Merc Iodatum Rubrum were seldom to be had without hassle. Similarly Ars. Alb.is the most used medicine, but its other salts, no less important, will rarely be found, viz. Arsenic Sulph Flavum and Arsenic Sulph Rubrum, and Ars. Iod. You will easily get Argentum Nitricum but seldom Argentum Phosphoricum, or Muriaticum.
This has been the situation since long. Now, as a further deterioration, you can’t now have the full range of potencies, even that of the polycrests. In the centesimal scale the homeopaths used to have 3, 6, 12, 30, 60, 200, 1M, 10M, 50M and CM. potencies. Among these potencies 12 and 60 lost favors and fell to disuse. Now the deplorable situation is this that you can get 30th. potency only of the available remedies. (Seldom 200 can also be had). Now, you sometimes need 3rd or 6th. potency of a certain remedy. They offer you 30th. as the only potency that is available; not only of this remedy but of all the available remedies.
Causes can be myriad. But I surmise, in this case, that most shops of homeopathic medicines have limited space on their shelves. They can’t maintain a good and a semblance of a complete homeopathic pharmacy. They have no place on their shelves for the homeopathic potencies that tardily sell, and, moreover, give meager margin of profit, as compared with the combination nostrums. So potencies, lower than 30 are rejected. When a practitioner thinks that he needs 6th. potency of any remedy, e.g. Croton tig. or Ars. Alb. or any other polycrest remedy, he will never be able to get it from the homeopathic pharmacies around him. They simply have no place for such ‘useless’ things in the ‘filled to capacity’ shelves of their shops.
If this practice gets the upper hand as the sole practice of homeopathy, the face of homeopathy will be tarnished beyond recognition; and the day of reckoning will draw near when homeopathy will be declared as a patent quackery. I know the history of homeopathy. This ill-practice was started very early by, inter alia, Boericke & Tafel, of America. They started concocting nostrums with the name of diseases. But their first practice was limited to Biochemic branch of homeopathy. But I faintly remember that perhaps one or two homeopathic concoctions were also marketed by them: perhaps in the form of cough remedies. But this practice could never get the upper hand because of the vigorous homeopaths of the caliber of Constantine Hering, Boenninghausen, Kent and many others, were alive and in the saddle. And homeopathy was being enriched, on daily basis, by ever new provings: hence expanding. But now, in Pakistan, homeopathy is not expanding in any sense, it is rather, shrinking, because of this nasty malpractice: of combination nostrums.
Universal nonchalance is most peculiar in this respect. Why? Because of two factors:
One: the real homeopathic practice, including classical homeopathy, remained intact and unhindered. All medicines in all potencies remain available as usual, in the whole world, except Pakistan.
Two: the main meetings for the propagation of homeopathy: as annual functions and periodic meetings anywhere on the globe are mainly funded by these companies. Hence the willful connivance of the living authorities of homeopathy or the so-called establishment.
So, the onus falls on you. Do whatever you like: you will be praised or censured accordingly. Your fate will be determined by the kind of deeds you do. Serve homeopathy. Let it flourish and suffer no setback. We all know that at least 1/4th. of the Mateia Medica of Boericke’s is not available at our pharmacies. Try to get all the medicines listed there, with the maximum potencies of every remedy you can muster.
Mind you that whosoever comes to you thinking that he has come to a homeopath and depends on you; it will be the of height tragedy and treachery that he may pass on to the next world having ever tasted real homeopathy, God forbid!