By its unencumbered therapeutic action homeopathy may trivialize even the most grave emergencies. Let’s narrate some examples:

Sudden enervation in a middle-aged man, with utter weakness in lower extremities, as ‘if born tired’. He must feel like lying all the times. After walking a distance he would feel totally incapacitated for further walk. Berb.v. 30, in watery solution, four times the first day and thrice daily for more two days, restored him to the status ante. [The text says: ‘Rheumatic pains in legs and loss of walking power; oxalurea: Berb.v.]

A constricting and grasping pain under the sternum, when she was ironing clothes. She felt dullness in the left arm and anxiety large written in her face. She felt as if she could not breathe. One powder of Cactus 30, dry on tongue, brought her out from that grave situation. A few days use of it in watery solution, saved her from angina pectoris.

Bloody dysentery with killing tenesmus, the patient moaning with severe intestinal cramps. Merc.Cor. 30, in watery solution, with milk diet, brought him back to health in one and a half day.

A child crying with pain in the belly, and writhing in the arms of the mother. Nobody knew what to do and every body wanted to do something for him to allay his sufferings. Coloc. 30, soon put him to sleep.

Total anorexia in a child, growing pale and anemic with quite skinny body. Obstinate, yelling and shrieking in anger was his daily routine. One dose of Tuberculinum 200, turned him into a sweet chap and made him a gourmet, as far as his appetite was concerned.

Growing pains in legs, in a 3-4 year old boy; restless and crying when lying in bed at night. The mother kept pressing his legs and thighs the major part of the night. Calc.phos. set the situation right in 3 to 4 days.

Crying and kicking, threatening brute, not quelling unless carried, and rocked by the mother, turned to a sweet disposition with a civil behavior by one dose of Chamomilla30, and few days after, 200.

A pregnant lady, suddenly waking in small hours of night, complaining severe pain under the sternum, simulating heart pain, but with burning. Two doses of Natrum phos. 30, fifteen minutes apart, made her feel quite relieved.

These are the emergencies and their homeopathic solutions, where our brothers of the other school might have capitalized and made the worries of the patient and his relatives many-fold and limitless. Take for example the first case. The patient might have been asked for complete medical check-up: CBC, Urine Analysis, ECG, Thyroid and many other such tests. After finding nothing significant might have been given vitamin and mineral compounds.

In the second instance, a visit to the cardiology or a heart-specialist must have been considered imperative. And the doctors would have capitalized the whole situation. Many heart tests must have been undertaken. [I do not mean to belittle these diagnostics; these should be performed, if necessary. But should not prove to be much ado for nothing.]

The third example is the case of ‘bloody dysentery’. Allopathic approach would have been massive drugging, oral or, preferably, through saline or glucose drip. Considering the homeopathic successful treatment, it all seems to be the same: ‘much ado for nothing’.

In the fourth case of infantile colic, a G.P. would preferably give an injection for the pain with some other medicines in the syrup form; where one or two doses in watery solution of colocynthis sufficed.

In the anorexia case, let alone allopaths, even homeopaths do not reach the root of the malady. Tubercular miasm was at the root, which is usually the case. One dose of the nosode set the case right. In the dominant school such remedies as Mosegor are given which the educated person agrees to give the child only after having read the literature.

For growing pains Calc.phos. is the only deficiency remedy at nutritional level and therapeutic dose to cure it. Calcium syrups with Vitamin D is the order of the day, in allopathy.

Chamomilla and Cina, inter alia, are homeopathy’s routine remedies for ill-mannered children. And are always successful.

The last case was a case of heart-burning in a pregnant lady, simulating heart disease. Nat.Phos is a trusted ally in such cases, and the best ant-acid.

Now having explained everything, it is for my readers to decide whether it is homeopathy that trivialize grave situations, or it is allopathy that blows out of proportion what is trivial or normally mild maladies; and creates terror in the heart of the patient and his family, by recommending so elaborate measures of diagnosis and treatment.

According to the modern economic teaching and trends, what can be achieved by spending small quantity should be preferred to what is achieved by spending larger amount of the same commodity; that is, one should economize on everything. If one can convey his intentions in eight to ten words, more words should not be used. Similarly if a malady can be treated by micro-milligram dose of themedicine, milligram or centigram or decigram or even gram doses should never be used. Homeopathy is quite modern and up-to-date in its methodology and outlook. Minimum dose and the least repetition are quite modern concepts. Homeopathy has taught and demonstrated that diseases can be wiped away by a mere whiff of the medicine.

The poet says:

“I tremble in my heart on the gigantic efforts of the Sun, with its scorching heat and burning rays, to evaporate me;

Me, who am a mere drop of dew on the tip of the thorn in the wilderness.

But don’t apply this modern concept of economics to your love. Give thousand kisses on the ruby lips of your beloved, even when one kiss may suffice to assure her of your candid love.

There is no surfeit in love….. And ………….also…………………no overdose.