During the writing of my article entitled: ‘HOMEOPATHY Doesn’t Need Certification’, published a few months back, the internet address is:
it dawned upon me that the validity of Homeopathy could not be judged on the lines of Allopathy; that the allopathic criteria of research were irrelevant for determining the veracity of Homeopathy. I, tentatively, tried there to explain the cause of this difficulty, by explaining the real form and import of homeopathic medicines in potentized form, but I feel the matter needs to be discussed in some detail.
What’s medicine in Homeopathy? That is the crux of the matter. First we must determine what medicine is, ipso-facto. A substance that is used for alleviating pain and sufferings of living beings is called a drug or medicine. [The distinction between ‘Drug’ and ‘medicine’ is that a medicine can be composed of many drugs.] All substances that are used as drugs are palpable (i.e. can be felt by senses of touch, as hard, soft, fluid: thick or thin, syrupy or viscid, hot or cold, etc.); have colors (all the rainbow colors and their mix, and black); have odors (scent or effluvium, such as: fragrance, fetor, and their further qualities, as sweet, nauseous, balmy, pungent or spicy, etc.), or inodorous; and have taste (sweet, salty, bitter and sour, and all the scale of their combinations, or insipid). They are either, bland, irritating, burning or corrosive etc. to the skin or the mucous membranes.
The homeopathic medicines have their origin in the above mentioned universe with all their paraphernalia and tangibility, but no sooner they qualify as homeopathic medicines, i.e., dilutedfrom 12th. centesimal to 15th. centesimal, and above, they loose every property of theirs as belonging to the above universe. [There are, however, some homeopathic medicines that do not belong to this tangible sphere. They belong to imponderabilia: such as electricity, radiological rays, e.g. x-rays; and magnetic waves.] After attaining this dilution all substances become tasteless, lose every odor and all the other properties that belong to the tangible and corporeal matter. According to Avogadro’s hypothesis there is left no molecule or atom of the original substance after the 12th. (to 15th.) centesimal dilution.
So, we find that Homeopathy begins where all other pathies come to an end. The omega of all the other therapeutics of the world is the alpha of Homeopathy.
The people, who kept themselves confined to Avogadro’s limitation, (like Dr. Hughes and his ilk), deprived themselves of the richness, vastness, heights and depths of Homeopathy. Such timid scions of Homeopathy waste their life toiling and trotting at the foot of that enchanting hill, that is Homeopathy, reaching the pinnacle of which one feels oneself dissolved in the ethereal ambient, where body and soul loose their distinction. [The dynamic and the the constitutional remedy, at this stage, can go either way, i.e. prescribing for the Mind will also heel the Body, and prescribing for the Body will also heel the mind, according to the inner compulsion of the case.]
Science, we all know, is taking strides to reach that higher consciousness, where scientists start peeping into the metaphysical world—the so called spiritual realm, where philosophy and science intermingle. Hence such scientists as Einstein, [and, without doubt, Hahnemann himself].
Higher Homeopathy is the zenith of homeotherapeutic, but it has, after all, started from the soil, when it was as simple as the first lesson can be. In the beginning Hahnemann felt elated citing the therapeutic adventures of his colleagues and disciples, treating single clinical complaints with the medicine that has produced similar symptoms, accidentally or experimentally.
We find, in the Appendix to the Organon, Hahnemann talking enthusiastically about his colleagues’ and companions’ exploits with newly discovered medicines, from herbs and minerals, homeopathically proved, and curing single clinical complaint, per remedy. So, one remedy was identified with single pathological symptom, and very rarely with two or more. Thus we find, mentioned in the ‘Appendix’ to the Organon, the following:
- Fischer mentioning the cure of a chronic diarrhea by a purgative.
- Vertigo, nausea and anxiety managed by tobacco smoking.
- The harmful effects of Agaricus Muscarius, as already known to the inhabitants of Kamtschatka, consisting of tremors, convulsions and epilepsy, became ‘remedial’ in the hands of C. G. Whistling, and J.C. Bernhardt for the same complaint.
- F. Hoffman praising of Yarrow (Millifolium) for the cure of hemorrhages.
- Scovolo, having tried and curing of scalding and slimy urination by bearberry (Uva Ursi).
- Muralto claiming witness of successfully treating colic, agitation and restlessness by jalap.
- F. C. Junker, Schinz, Ehrmann claim Colchicum creating and curing Dropsy, Dyspnea, and Asthma.
- Stoerck telling about Dictamnus Root, causing and curing ‘viscid mucous discharge from the vagina’, a specific for leucorrhea of long standing.
- Rhus toxicodendron and Radicans toxically produce vesicles that cover the entire body, became curing tool homeopathically of various kinds of herpetic eruptions. But Zadig’s observation about this plant as causing complete prostration of the muscular powers, with mental aberration, taking the form of fear of impending death, gave insight to Alderson who cured paralysis of lower extremities with this agent.
A long list of such exploits can be adduced, as e.g. Dulcamara curing eczema, Squill curing pluirsy, Thornapple ( Stramonium) curing convulsions, chorea, Cinchona Bark managing pressive pain in stomach, vomiting and diarrhea, and Ipecacuanha, various sorts of hemorrhages and asthma, etc., etc. But this Homeopathy imperceptibly changed from the gross pathology to the person having that pathology. First the modalities of the pathologic complaints made their presence felt with their rich modifying occasions, then the kind of patient, with their temperaments and psychological make-up became the subject for detailed query.
This happened only when a detailed, comprehensive and fully organized program of drug proving was undertaken by Hahnemann; and especially when proving of drugs in potencies ushered in. The potencies, being drugs in much diluted form, would affect only those temperaments that have idiosyncrasies to the morbific power of those drugs. It is owing to this fact that potency provings are the finest provings of the Materia Medica. The person having the maximum proclivity (i.e. idiosyncrasy) towards a drug gives the maximum number of symptoms, in depth and vastness; so much so that the very drug becomes him and he becomes that drug, i.e. identified by that drug.
This is how personality ‘cult’ began in Homeopathy. The Materia Medica remained no more a dry study of the effects of drugs on the living beings, but a study of characters and personalities of human beings, with all their pathologic and human sufferings. It is a sort of humanization of the Materia Medica; the first apostle of which is no other than James Tyler Kent. After him the Materia Medica, no more remained a jejune schema of symptoms, according to the anatomy of the body, as Allen’s Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica, Hering’s Guiding Symptoms, and so many other Materia Medicas. These Materia Medicas will remain as the authentic source of symptom codex to which one refers now and then to verify the real lingua pathogenetica, in respect of a particular symptom. These books, no doubt, will remain our final authority to remove our confusions. Here Richard Hughes’ Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesy, can also be of some use. But our choicest method of remedy search and selection, from now onward, will be Kentian. With exactly the same symptoms, for example, of two crying, restless and insomniac babies, the selection will depend on the fact that you feel like slapping and shouting at one child (Chamomilla), while feel compassion and feel like hugging and consoling the other (Pulsatilla).
There is no individual in the world that does not have his peculiar temperament and distinct personality. By the same token, we can say that there is no patient in the world, devoid of his peculiar constitution and individuality, revealed in his temperament and peculiar personality traits. And if our aim is to restore the patient, with his peculiar traits and limitations, different approaches will be resorted to, to bring back to health, an optimistic patient, with his lot of positive energy, as compared to a pessimistic patient, with gloom and negative attitude. We have witnessed patients who with a minor disturbance of health would be dumbfounded, with a bleak look on their face, as if they are going to die. Compare these with the terminal cases, at their death bed, declaring that soon they would be back on their feet, and attending their business.
Homeopathy is peerless and incomparable with any pathy or therapeutic in the world. It can be very near to allopathy when it selects one outstanding clinical complaint, out of the whole case, and treat it singly, as we have detailed above. A full, hypothetical, case can be assumed as under: A female with viscid, ropy leucorrhea + itching of pudendum + intense burning after scratching + anorexia with bloated stomach. This case would have been dealt with as under:
- By giving an extract, or a potency, of Dictamnus Root, as it was done,during the first days of Homeopathy. Or, perhaps, some other remedy, in the same fashion. Or
- At the later stages of Homeopathy, the full case might have been considered, to find out the most near remedies to the full case. From two remedies that come out as most indicated (i.e. Hydrastis and Nitric acid), Hydrastis might have been selected, in tincture or potency form. Or
- With the outlook broadened by the postulation of the Chronic Miasms, and determining the case as Sycotic one, Nitric Acid would have been the obvious choice; and would have been prescribed in high potency and single dose. Or
- In the realm of higher Homeopathy, putting aside the above consideration, and reckoning the anamnesis and family history of the case, and finding it strongly cancerous, a dose of high potency of Carsinosin (or any relevant cancerous nosode) would be prescribed. Cf. my articlae: ‘Can Anything Override The Principle of ‘Symptoms Totality?’
The four options that we have discussed above, of a hypothetical case, only the first option is slightly comparable to the concept of general therapeutic, though the basis is similia. The other three options are neither comparable nor understandable by the practitioner of any other therapeutic. No standard research and scientific test can discover Homeopathy and homeopathic medicines, which are not medicines, according to the general concept of medicine,as I have discussed in detail, in my article, referred to above, at the beginning.
Any recognizable homeopathic medicine, when potentized (or diluted) beyond Avogadro’s number, is in no way the same thing as it is available in nature. For example, Arsenicum (or simply Arsenic), when potentized above the Avogadro’s limitation, is in no way recognizable as Arsenic. It may be anything, but Arsenic. Nor ever will you be able to prove it as such. Natrum Mure, the common table salt, when potentized, e.g. to 30th. potency, or above, is in no way the table salt, as we recognize it by eyes or by taste. No governmental laws or excise rules can declare our any potency as contraband. We use Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Sativa, Opium, Stramonium, etc.
Since its inception Homeopathy has been playing the pioneering role in the field of medicine and therapeutics. Allopathy has accepted its insights but sporadically and without indebtedness. The Law of Similar was the main hurdle, which they could not jump over. But the Law of Similar was the seminal idea from which sprouted forth many wise and fecund innovations. It led to Isopathy, Auto-Haemotherappy, and opened up vast field of experimentation with ever new substances, without let and hindrance. On the basis of Isopathy, Homeopathy ventured into fields where no mortal has ever pried into. Homeopathy started, scores of years before Allopathy, using nosological products of diseases for the prophylactic and therapeutic purposes. And, at that time, there was, perhaps no concept of anti-bodies, and its practical application for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. Allopathy adopted it in the form of vaccination, which can never reach the sophistication of its homeopathic application. The dominant school could not go beyond its prophylactic (as distinct from therapeutic) use, and that too in crude and poisonous doses.
The first nosode, as it came to be called later on (coined by Hering), was prepared by Hahnemann himself, from the scabies vesicle, and christened it as PSORINUM. Then hordes of other nosodes came into being, as under:
- Medorrhinum (from Gonorrheal virus);
- Leuticum or Syphlinum (from the matter of syphilitic ulcer);
- Tuberculinum and Bacillinum (Tubercular nosodes, prepared from a piece of tubercular lung by maceration, and from the sputum of a tubercular patient).
- Carcinosin, Schirrhinum and many other cancer nosodes.
- Influenzinum (from the secretion of the nose of an influenza patient).
- Diphtherinum
- Pertussin (from the glairy mucus containing the virus of whooping cough).
- Morbillinum (measles virus); so on and so forth.
The rabies vaccine was produced in Homeopathy, from the saliva of a rabid dog, by the great Constantine Hering, in 1833, with the name of Lyssin or hydrophobinum, decades before Pasteur (1878-1880), prepared its vaccine.
In the field of Imponderabilea, in addition to homeopathic potencies of Elecricity, we pried into the Radio-Magnetic Field. Homeopathy is pioneer in applying them for the therapeutic use. Homeopathy has potencies of X-Rays and Radium, which are used for the ‘deep-seated ailments, sycotic in character, which so often terminate in malignant diseases, especially cancer.’ We are indebted for their preparation and proving to Bernhardt Finke and Dr. John B. Campbell.
In the field of Magnetism, we have three medicines: viz.
- Magnetis Poli Ambo (charged with both the poles of the magnet);
- Magnetis polus Articus (North pole exclusively); and
- Magnetis Polus Australis (South Pole of the magnet).
They are fully proved medicines in their own right. In my above referred article, viz.
I offered some positive trials to check the veracity and efficacy of homeopathic treatment; Magetis Polus Australis is another remedy which I offer as specific for the ingrowing toe- nails. Give it a try according to homeopathic therapeutic rules, in 200 potency, and see the miracle happening.
There is another, very fertile field in which Homeopathy entered first. That is Sarcodes. It was Homeopathy’s inner compulsion, or logical corollary. Though Homeopathy is not isopathy, but it was rather a natural outcome, or legitimate child of Similia. Isopathy gave us a fertile fallow field of Nosode: nosological products of diseases, about which we have talked above in some detail. The idea of Nosodes led us to think of Sarcodes: the healthy secretions of body tissues, especially of glands. Allopathy has browsed into a very small niche of this vast field, with its steroids, thyroxin, and insulin. Homeopathy’s introduction with the supra-renal gland, in the form of its secretion ‘adrenalin’ wasmuch prior to the discovery of steroids. Adrenalin was proved, homeopathically, in 1904, while the steroids came into use in 1929-1930.
The list of sarcodes in Homeopathy is impressively long and progressive. The following can be mentioned, as recognized and regular homeopathic medicines:
- Adrenalinum (Active Principle of the Adrenal Cortex).
- Feltauri (Ox-gall)
- Lac.can (dog’s milk)
- Lac def (Skimmed milk)
- Lac felinum (cat’s milk)
- Lac vaccinum (Cows milk)
- Lac vacc coagulatum ( Skimmed milk)
- Lactis vaccini flocal(milk cream)
- Oleum jecoris acelli (Cod-Liver Oil)
- Oophorinum (Ovarian Extract)
- Orchitinum (Testicular Extract)
- Thyroidinum (Dried Thyroid Gland of Sheep)
- Urea,(Carbamide)
I conclude with an extract from my previous article, entitled: ‘Homeopathy doesn’t Need Certification’. ThereI wrote: ‘Homeopathy is the only therapeutic science in the world that does not depend on the drug effect of medicines, but on the vital reaction of the organism, brought about by the indicated remedy prescribed… And this remedy, evidently,is not a simple remedy, but a remedy (though it may consist of a single substance) that has the promise of acting as a ‘remedial program’ to bring round the sick personality, with its multi-faceted complexes and maladjustments, to a normal, healthy personality, freed from all the psycho-somatic abnormalities and sicknesses. This was owing to this fact that the masters in the field of Homeopathy started using the term ‘Remedy’ in place of medicine or drug. The medicine is for the disease; and the remedy is a remedy for the sum-total of psycho-somatic ills of an individual; hence it is a sort of solution for the complex of the complaints of the individual, in the background of temperament and personal and family history of the patient. A homeopathic dose, therefore, is not a pill of medicine, but an ‘encapsulated’ agenda for the patient concerned,or a therapeutic module, containing a program to bring the patient roundly towards cure; a motivating force,to accomplish a predestined (or preordained) task’
And how the cure is brought about, is a separate subject, which we will discuss in a separate blog, later on.