Nature is full of hazards; and sustenance is not only human oriented; everything that is destined to grow and propagate (may be virus, insects, venomous or otherwise, most dastardly and lethal, to human existence, as scorpions and vipers, serpents and snakes, and spiders, etc.) will grow and propagate, and will have the providence of full sustenance. Where the most innocuous butterfly gets succor, there the most venomous scorpion is the legitimate scion of Nature. Nature supports it as vigorously as the sweet butterfly. Elsewhere I’ve said that the humanistic view of the universe is wrong. Cf.
Every other view of Nature than the scientific is fraught with danger, imbecility and immaturity. You pray for the downpour, to water your fields, for rich crops. But providence pours down rivers and oceans from the heaven, that inundate everything: your houses have been raised to ground; your animals have been swept away; your streets are no more streets, but rivulets, and your fields give you the vision of total devastation. How the destitution changes the outlook and the attitudes of a society, is revealed in the following account. A journalist asked a displaced peasant of Bhakkar, a district of Punjab, about his worries as to how he feared the snakes from the flooded fields. His answer I quote without comments; he replied: “Indeed there are snakes around. Only yesterday I killed two. Our main worry relates to the livestock because if a child dies of snakebite, we can always have another. But if we lose livestock, we will all be dead.” (DAWN, Sept. 25, 2011). [This is the dynamics of stark poverty: how the nature and parental instincts get metamorphosed! Make a pause and think!]
Epidemics had been around throughout the zoic life of the earth, from the pre-history to the present day. Many a species got obliterated and swept away, from the face of the earth, through this mechanism. Sometimes these were human epidemics, with which population got decimated, so much so that many houses had to be bolted from outside, as all the inmates had died. Plagues of yore in India did it in Delhi.
Inclemency of the elements and vagaries of nature are every day’s observation. Somalia is dying for one drop of water from the heavens, while one quarter of Pakistan is inundated by continuous rains. At one time we see fires ablaze in the freezing zones of Siberia that could not be put off, neither by technology nor by supplications; while, at the same time, most of the Australian land were flooded by rains.
Nature is nature: neither human nor non-human. Life is a flux: an unceasing fountain. ‘Being’ is not life, ‘becoming’ is. ‘Being’ is spent life, not nascent flux of ‘becoming’, that is life. A severe hailstorm, one night, kills scores of hopping birds, asleep in a shrub. But the next morning same chirping and hopping, from branch to branch, of the shrub, is witnessed. Underneath the shrub the corpses of the dead birds are strewn, but life, oblivious of the ‘beings’in the form of corpses, is bursting forth, in the flux of becoming.
The author of the blog would have been dead as many people younger than him and more vigorous and lively, disappeared from sight within the span of three to four days. A professor who went out to distribute informative literature about Dengue, with her colleagues, was stung by a Dengue brute, ran a violent course of the disease, and died within 3 to 4 days. Who can forget her? A true martyr!
A very nasty virus that Dengue is, it is cruel and debilitating and draining of vitality. People say that the virus varies much as to its severity and seriousness. Some 80%, they say, do not go to the extent of hemorrhage. I found four remedies that catered to the large part of my cases.
The most important were the cases that related sudden aching of the body with high fever, with frequent urination. This is a grand ubiquitous complaint and a guiding symptom for Rhus-Tox. Rhus-Tox can be administered solely and confidently on the weight of this single symptom.
Then there are cases complaining intense heat, moaning, licking the dry lips but not liking even to sip a drop of water. With nausea and vomiting, and total aversion to food, but desiring refreshing things, mostly lemonade. I tried to find one more symptom, and administered Pulsatilla. And that was profuse lachrimation, with high fever.
Pulsatilla is also the remedy for the convalescent period, with all the grave symptoms of total anorexia, nausea after attempting to eat, bad taste, massive drug effects, nauseating taste and utter weakness. Pulsatilla saved such cases within days.
Then there are cases with unquenchable thirst, preferably for cold water, with white dry tongue. Patient wants to lie down most of the time. Constipated, mostly. These are Bryonia cases which were rapidly benefited by repeated doses of Bry. in watery solution. After the exhibition of this remedy the remaining course of the disease became much milder. (I committed the same mistake that most people are committing now a days: i.e. took Paracetamol twice, but soon realized my mistake, and stopped taking it at once. Rf. My article: Worship the Fever: Paracetamol destroyed my appetite, gave a very bitter taste in the mouth, and created nausea and vomiting.
Some cases begin with the infection of throat or tonsils and Merc.Sol., in most of them was the remedy that cut short the whole course.
It did happen, during Dengue infection, that the most sworn addicts of tea felt positive aversion to it. They did like meat broth, but not tea: both being used as hot drinks. Nausea and incessant vomiting. Phosphorus did miracles here.
As long as the patient is fighting with the fever, he wears a brave facade; but the sooner the fever is gone, and the patient enters the convalescent state, he finds himself landed in a morass of abject depression. If you want to see Psora, pure and simple, this is the time to witness it. The fever is gone, and appetite is slightly getting better, but the patient is quite non-plus, and enveloped in gloom. He wonders how he would ever be able get out of it. The text says: ‘despair of recovery during convalescence.’ Psorinum stands alone in the whole Materia Medica. (Now people feel like adding Carcinosin to it; but evidence is not sufficient yet!) Psorinum has done great service to me here. Every case of mine, during convalescence, took Psor. 200 to 1M, from me with very happy results.
Dengue, being one of the haemorrhagic fevers, found it’s similar in most of the serpent and spider poisons. Most of these drugs decompose blood, destroy fibrin and platelets. Crotalus Horridus empirically seems most corresponding to the drift of pathology of Dengue infection. It was, therefore, claimed by the profession, from Pakistan to Germany, as the most hopeful bet as a preventiveof Dengue infection. People came to me to get doses of this remedy. Most of them asked for potency 200. Somebody constructed a prescription of ‘three drops of 200 potency of Crot. Hor., twice daily, for 3 consecutive days;’ claims that it would give immunity from Dengue for three months. While in homeopathy, one to two globules, of the size of poppy-seed, can suffice as a preventive, as well as a therapeutic dose.
The cases that come to us from Allopathic clinics and hospitals, we are justified to treat them symptomatically, if no homeopathic similimum is possible. Don’t be shy off helping patients at any and all cost. No philosophy or theory is more sacred than the bond and ease of life of the sufferer. Severe headache, if demands Belladona, in spite of our having already given another remedy, for the workable totality of symptoms, give Bell. also; or any other remedy, for that matter, for any other emergency.
Serve life when the theory puts you in reluctance!
[The Dengue factor is a comparatively new entrant in the list of tropical diseases, especially the diseases to which the sub-continent is heir to. We will come to know by-and-by the real drift and extant of its dangers and lifelong effects.]Dr.Usmani