I once overheard a friend of mine (Dr. Afzaal, a famous Radiesthesist of Lahore, and one of the pioneers, in this field, in Pakistan—May God bless him with health and long life!), chastising a worried mother, about her child, that was running a very high fever, with sore throat and coryza. He was saying: “Dear lady, fever is a divinity, a godhead, that must be worshipped; and the intensity of fever is proportionate to the vitality of your ward: the more the vitality or robustness of your child, the more intense defense he would put forward. And fever is nothing but his defense and his fight.”
And this is verily so. Every serious homeopath’s whole practice vouchsafes this fact. A homeopath never prescribes for the fever. He never uses antipyretics and anti-febrile medicines. I’ve been invariably phoned by my new patient’s parents, in the evening, telling me their concern about the exorbitant temperature of their little child. After asking about the exact degree of the fever, I mostly exhort them to let the child fight his fight, and that tomorrow he will be ok. It is only when the fever is above 103 F, and I’m told that the patient is delirious and raving, that I instruct them to wet the hair of the child by combing it with their wet fingers. It is very rare that I might have allowed them a dose of a suitable antipyretic medicine, to bring down the fever a little.
But the quality of the subsequent apyrexia state tells me what I had done. In most of the cases, of such kind where I had allowed a little interference, by giving one dose of an anti-febrile, the coryza, after the fever being suppressed, will be worsened with more troublesome cough, and pain in throat; with added woes of anorexia, weakness and lowly state of child’s vibrancy. But, if the child’s constitution is vigorous, the fever will, thankfully, return to let me make amends.
So, in treating infections we are poles apart from our allopathic brothers. The first alarm an allopath will sound would be about the hyperpyrexia. For him the fever is very ominous entity that will definitely harm the patient, and should at once be got rid of. He has inculcated a fearful and alarming attitude in general public against the fever, not about the infection (to cure which nature has produced this fever). Fever should not be there! That is the dictum.
Before the advent of antibiotics, this attitude wreaked great havocs. Fever was killed or kept in abeyance by all sorts of antipyretic measures and drugs. The result was the prolongation, and complication of infection, with recurrent fevers, and subsequently more and more drastic measures to allay the recurrent fever. And most of the time the infection used to become chronic.
Now the picture has changed. Along with the antipyretics, the doctor now bundles his prescription with the most strong antibiotic, that is fashionable at the time. In so doing he kills two things with one prescription.
a) Kills the body’s natural defense, against the infection, i.e. fever
b)Weakens the immune system, by doing its work by proxy by the antibiotics.
The third havoc which the sweet doctor plays is overlooked usually; and that is the massive drug effects, or drug intoxication; which is hardly less destructive than the first two. I think it is more destructive, since it so complicates and muddles, and throws into imbalance and disarray the immune system’s finest equilibrium. In the past, medicines used to have two properties: either they were poisons or non-poisons. Now there are a thousand shades in-between the two classes. They are now antibiotic (i.e. poisonous to the mites, or bacteria, and, supposedly, harmless to the humans), antitussive (comprising of many suspicious nostrums), anti-enzyme, (disturbing the enzymatic balance), anti-histamines, beta-blockers, alpha-blockers, calcium channel blockers and ACE inhibitors, so on and so forth. What mutilations of the systems of bio-physiological processes of the vital organs, and myriad harms, the decades-old continuous use of such ‘anti’ ‘blocker’ and ‘inhibitor’ medicines can cause is anybody’s guess. Aeons will be required to restore the corrupted organismic system to its pristine and primordial form. Even that seems to be a platonic wish.
I think that nobody can improve upon the convincing statement about the role of fever as a defense, created by the immune system of the patient, given by Dr. Smits, in his article, Carcinosin. He says:
“In the infectious stage the energy of the person organizes everything to overcome the disease: high fever which enhances the metabolism of the body enormously, an increase of white blood cells, acceleration of blood circulation, vascular dilatation in the affected area or all over the body, loss of appetite to give our digestive system the possibility to concentrate on the elimination of toxins, diarrhea, sweating, a running nose and eruptions, all elimination mechanisms. These kinds of elimination processes occur frequently after the administration of a homeopathic remedy.”
He enlarges upon the theme, thus:
“Surely the best reaction of our organism to activate our immune system when our equilibrium is in danger is fever. Therefore it is hard to accept that anyone who really understands this mechanism still considers that fever is an enemy to be suppressed. For most people and doctors this is even common practice nowadays. Children often have sudden high fever for only one or two days, and this is in fact a sign of good reactivity. But when again and again such reactions are suppressed by antipyretics and antibiotics or in more serious illnesses with corticosteroids then slowly but surely the reactivity is broken down and there is a slide from infectious disease to tumoral disease”
Dr.Smits’s insight is unquestionable, and above refutation. On the subject of Vaccination,
Dr. Burnett coined a conceptual term of ‘taking or not-taking’. By taking he meant that the child showed a reaction to the dose of vaccination, by creating fever and short malaise. And by not-taking, he meant that the child showed no reaction to the act of vaccination. To the latter child he looks with grave foreboding; and predicts malignant results for his later life. The child who took, Burnett assumes that he has unburdened himself, and will grow to healthy and normal adulthood. So
The fever is a reaction of the vital force to free the organism from the invading viruses or toxins, and the salvation lies in helping this reaction to reach fruition.